ERNESTO is a group of companies mostly focused on construction industry digitalisation. Main focus is on fraud prediction services, as well as construction projects management tools and financial reporting.
Alexander, CEO Ernesto, is a an expert in the field of project management, construction of project-oriented organisations, cost and technological engineering in the implementation of investment and construction projects with over than 20 year experience.
Alexander lead preparation and holding of the 2014 Olympic Games, construction of stadiums for the 2018 World Cup, modernization of the railway infrastructure of the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian railways, development of railway infrastructure on the approaches to the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin, commercial closure of the Northern Latitudinal Railway concession project, construction of facilities for industrial use: Adler Airport, Terminal Tamanneftegaz CJSC, Nefteport Transneft Kozmino, Oil loading terminal No. 1A Rosneft, Imeretins port s, the port of Primorsk, Ust-Luga port. Projects with a budget of 300 million to 2 billion dollars.